New Media

For starters, check out the feeds along the right side of the blog page. The 'TechTalk' series encompasses two vimeo accounts (my own, johnhildreth, as well as CITL, the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning). The series, in production since early 2008, began as a locally-produced podcast at Radford University in Radford, VA. We began cross-posting episodes on YouTube, and soon after switched to Vimeo in favor of its better quality and longer duration allotment. An episode in the series is typically comprised of a narrated screen-cast describing how to perform a certain task with a given technology. The questions and issues addressed in the TechTalk series often stem from questions we come across in the CITL.

Topics have included iMovie, iDVD, PhotoShop, Second Life, Web 2.0 tools and Learning Management System issues. New episodes continue to be added to the series.