Wednesday, November 24, 2010

iOS 4.2 Features Greater Web App Support

As of 11/23/2010, Apple released iOS 4.2 for iTouch, iPhone and iPad. In addition to a boost in security, this update features the ability to multi-task apps and some limited printing capabilities (to be amended in the next update). AND, iOS 4.2 provides enhanced support for HTML 5 and the webkit. This is particularly relevant to the iPad regarding web app development.

Users of jqtouch (or the like) undoubtedly noticed that CSS-driven animations in web apps worked on the iPad, but were typically accompanied by a 'stutter.' A brief flash of the previous page would occur almost each time an animation occurred in menu transitions, etc. Some people in the developer community sought to fix the stutter via Javascript, with mixed results. Well, I am happy to report that I tested iOS 4.2 on an iPad yesterday, and discovered the 'web app stutter' to be gone. Sweet!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hello and Welcome

This blog JUST went online today, 11/17/2010. I will be populating with starter content over the course of the next week or so.